Monday, September 15, 2008


I know not all of my friends will understand this....And im deeply sorry to admit this...*sighs* *blinks* *closes eyes*.....I have a addiction....and i dont think it will EVER go away...Everytime i breathe....or gets worse.....

Tricia, (that's me) is addicted to twilight.....*SOBS* i know...i know....I heard that there are many like me out there, and many that just dont know it yet.....So I have started a Group for us people living with this addiction!...T.A.G ( Twilight Addiction Group ).

Not just ANYONE can be in this group...and there is a test issued by wrong answer...And you dont get to join. ONE bad word about anyone elses are banned! To enter the group you must repeat the following!

"My name is (your name here), and i have been addicted to Twilight for ( number ) (years/months). The love of my life is ( Edward or Jacob ), and im a ( Vamp or Wolf ) girl." You then contact me for your pin! Yep its that simple....

I'll start! "My name is Tricia, and i have been addicted to Twilight for about 2 months. The love of my life is Edward (the best choice!), and im a Vamp girl."

In the are some eye candy pictures of the actor who will play Edward in the movie!


The Whitney's said...

My name is Lauren, and I have been addicted to Twilight for about 1 year, and 5 months. The love of my life is Edward (the best choice, of course), and I'm a Vamp girl!

Please please please let me pass...

~Tricia Kathryn~ said...

you are in lol..i will need your email addy to send you the Team Edward and VAmp girl button!

BeatlesDiva said...

Forget Edward...Jacob is better.